Saturday, February 27, 2010

Raining cats & dogs!!!

So Kael and I are stuck inside in the worst rain storm this season....and 12 pooping puppies!! I've been allowing them to run around outside for the last week and now they're confined to a small area...they are not digging it!!

Now, it's feeding time and they aren't about to brave the waterfall that has recently emerged from my roof right over the doorway they go out...Zukko thought about it, stuck his head out and stopped...big mistake, a gallon of water splashed onto his head, he yelped and turned around smacking his little noggin on the doorway escaping to the dry indoors..poor pitiful wet baby ;P

I mean granted it's not a tsunami, poor Hawaii or a massive earthquake poor Chile (our prayers are with you) ...but it really bite's the big one!!

Good thing they're cute....they say that about babies when they're colicky and you want to gnaw your own foot off..OK so as not to offend anyone, I so don't mean that, babies are wonderful and no one is ever bothered by anything they do..yeah right!! Good thing they're cute although that does bring me to the fact that I do NOT think all babies are cute some are freaking ugly, but all puppies are cute, so what's the deal with that?

I'm hoping the rain at least slows enough to shove them outside to do their "duty" or the poor people coming to look at puppies today will get a nose full!! PEEEYEWW

They are finding all sorts of ways to occupy themselves...
Chewing up all the paper, pooing, peeing, walking in it and then walking on their siblings, biting anyone and anything even close to you, who cares if they were sleeping, making a mess in anyway they can, just to drive me nuts....oh the rain...and to think I always say "I love the rain" ugh!!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm tired is this almost over?

Roo is still involved in raising the little ones, even though she was never able to nurse again, after her 10 day hospital stay. She sits outside and watches them as they play in their enclosure and when we let them out to traipse the yard, she chases them down if they go to far away. Being that she is only a youngster herself she plays a bit rough so we never leave her alone with them, but she is also tender and loving, licking them and rolling on her back to let them climb all over her. Raising children is never easy, and often exhausting but it is always rewarding if you give it your all.

Not just mama, still "me"

One of the things I found scariest in the days leading up to and immediately after having my son, was the idea of never being "just Jennifer" again. I would from now and forever forward be "Kael's mom." For a long time I thought that meant losing myself, now I realize it just meant finding another "me" to be. I'm lucky enough that Kael and David joined me in this endeavor but it was initially my idea and my project, something I love, helping animals, now it's something they love too. I didn't lose me I just get to share me with one more person. Kanga-Roo, whom I took to calling mama soon after I met her, is now blossoming into herself again, she has been a wonderful caregiver and mommy to this brood but as they begin to strike out on their own she is becoming more and more the dog she must have been, or was meant to be all along. She is playful and sweet, protective and gentle, silly and stoic, goofy and beautiful..she is many things and I'm glad she helped me to see that I am as well!! Again, thank you Roo!