Wednesday, February 3, 2010

kanga Roo is in the hospital please send kind thoughts for a kind soul

Mama resting on one of my down cushions. Teeny Tiny found her anyway. Teeny is only 2 weeks in this photo, not even 11 ounces yet!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

A puppy and her puppies.

Westside German Shepard Rescue uses them and they have definitely found a good fit. The whole staff seemed knowledgeable and compassionate, they knew all their patients' people by name and made us feel at home!

Zukko...too tired for the photo shoot

I already had my nails done, must we do this again?

Tahti means star..see the cute little "star" on the tip of her nose?

Sarah and her bunny..yep the very one that Mommy stole a few momwnts later

Katara the beautiful

four weeks old and already a photoshoot...this really is LA!!

you're no bunny till some bunny loves you...

Mommy couldn't deal with the little ones having all the fun. Sarah got the bunny for a bit hen mommy laid claim!! She knows she's been caught...

toys are fun!!!

our first gruel meal