Wednesday, February 3, 2010

kanga Roo is in the hospital please send kind thoughts for a kind soul

Mama resting on one of my down cushions. Teeny Tiny found her anyway. Teeny is only 2 weeks in this photo, not even 11 ounces yet!!


  1. Teeny looks like a high-school textbook photo of an embryo, her head is sooo big and her tiny little back legs curl up under her.

  2. What an endearing picture of momma with child!
    Roo is in my thoughts and prayers that she'll be better than ever very soon.

  3. Hi Jenn,
    How's Roo doing? Is she home with you or still at the hospital? How's those 14 babies doing? Thinking about you. Hope all is looking up.

  4. I've been meaning to tell you...several friends have tried posting a comment and they don't think they succeeded. Just letting you know there are lots of well-wishes and support even if the postings don't show that they're following your blog. :))
