Thursday, January 7, 2010

UGH sometimes LA is exhausting...just BE!!

So we were taking a family stroll down to the local Centinella Feed and Pet in Burbank on Olive, (by the way they're awesome, super knowledgeable, and seem to enjoy their jobs, friendly, helpful..I recommend going there)to pick up some supplies and figured Kanga Roo would enjoy the exercise.
So anyway, UGH!! I get sooooo annoyed and yes I'm ranting but I made this freaking blog I can rant if I want to right?
So, It's either one way or the other!! never, freaking never, in the middle! It's not 55mph on the freeway in the rain, it's 25mph or 99mph, it's not average looks it's plastic or plain...I did NOT let my dog get pregnant, I am NOT a back yard breeder, I am NOT an irresponsible pet owner....I'm the foster mom!!! I'm doing the right thing!! Don't judge before you know the story. Mind your own freaking business!!
People were either really sweet and wanted to know all about Roo and her upcoming litter or VERY VERY rude!! Why is it the VERY VERY rude people's comments stick in my head.
"you really should have had her fixed, breeding is irresponsible" "there are sooo many dogs out there being put to sleep in shelters, how are you going to get rid of all those puppies?" "so what'd ya breed her with, are the puppies gonna be big, German Shepards are pretty tough...."


The way they looked at us (she and I) I felt like two painted ladies out for a stroll trying to pick up a john...and then I remembered, Life Lessons from a Dog.
Todays lesson...just BE!
Kanga was strutting, happy for the walk, happy for the attention, the smells, life,
she isn't ashamed, she isn't embarrassed she just IS!
Hold your head up, look straight ahead, smile... Just BE!! Just be nice. Just be thoughtful. Just be spontaneous. Just be helpful. Just be kind. Just be honest. Just be who you say you are! Just be you!!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see this post until today. I LOVE your attitude...Roo was happy being who she is and so should we. How cool and as your blog is titled, "Lessons Learned From a Dog"
