Tuesday, March 9, 2010

From the mouthes of babes...

Over the weekend a career military man, Chris and his wife and daughter came to adopt a puppy. Chris was specifically interested in a male puppy, in an attempt to lessen the gender gap, he's a man in a family of women, his wife, 5 daughters, a granddaughter, and a female dog named Kelsey.
My boyfriend David has had his eye on one of the 2 boys, Monte, but we discussed it and decided we would be more than comfortable, even proud if our pup could enrich the life of military family :)
We must have talked about it in front of Kael, unaware, as is so often, of just how much "little ears" hear and understand.
Because of my name choice, Hayden, (yep, after Hayden Fry, I'm a Hawkeye through and through) the man thought the pup he'd been looking at was a boy. I had to put a wrench in the works and let him know that Hayden  was a SHE.
They spent some time playing with the boys but Chris' eyes kept wandering back to Hayden. The back and forth between father and daughter and husband and wife was so sweet and sincere, each wanting to please the other I was only more convinced we'd be completely happy with whomever they chose. In the end, Hayden was the lucky one, the chosen one of the day, most  unfortunately for Kael, as she was the pup he himself had chosen to keep, his very most favorite, puppy of all.
I could see the hurt in Kael's eyes as he quickly left the room retreating to our front living room, away from the rest of us.
I excused myself "to go get the paperwork" as David continued talking with the family. I hugged Kael and asked him if he was alright. I told him I understood that it hurt and asked if he'd be OK letting Hayden go.
He pulled away, looked me straight in the eyes and said "Mommy it's OK, he's a soldier." Nothing more was said, just a little man looking at his mother and reassuring her.
I had to turn away as tears streamed down my cheeks. I was so proud and at the same time so sorry that my endeavor was causing his little heart so much pain. I dried my eyes and went back into the room where they were all waiting, Kael followed.
There must have been some remnant of sorrow on our faces, the wife asked if everything was OK. I told her it was, and asked Kael to tell them what he had said. He couldn't but he did ask me to tell them, when I did, there wasn't a dry eye in the place, at least us girls and the rest were visibly moved including the 6'5" 250 lbs Navy man, Chris.

If just one soldier can know they are appreciated and that their sacrifice is admired, our small sacrifice of tears and time, is more than worth it.

I am proud of my son, and his acknowledgment of others sacrifice.

God Bless America.

ad I posted on Craigslist

to love a puppy

Date: 2010-03-03, 12:18PM
I'm the foster mom to 14 8 1/2 week old rescue puppies, yep 14, all from the same mom, all from the same litter :)
They are shepherd mix, mixed breed puppies, hienz 57, we think boxer, but your guess is probably as good as mine...my guess is they will be medium sized dogs.
They need to find their forever homes. If you are looking for a super cool puppy, you can't go wrong with these guys :)
They are available through Westside German Shepherd Rescue, and all applications etc will be taken care of by Westside. www.sheprescue.org
You can visit my blog at
for pictures and information

A little about them, other than that they're soooo freaking cute you wanna pass-out!!
1) already spayed or neutered and recovered from micro-surgery
2) already had a vet visit
3) already micro-chipped
4) already had first set of shots
5) already been dewormed
6) already socialized with kids (my 5 year old son had a puppy party at his preschool)
7) been hand raised since birth including supplemental bottle feeding (with the help of mommy until she was adopted last week)
8) have been around adult dogs other than the mother
9) accustomed to household sounds: vacuum, TV, dishwasher, laundry, etc
10) accustomed to many different surfaces: tile, hard wood, rugs, carpet, grass, mud (not intentional, ;( it was really rainy last weekend)
11) accustomed to baths
12) accustomed to having nails clipped
13) accustomed to having ears washed
14) accustomed to being brushed
15) accustomed to car rides
16) accustomed to lots of love and cuddles
17) eat regular hard puppy kibble
18) primarily potty trained, the ground work is there, they regularly go on pads inside and grass outside, but hey there are 14 what do you expect ;P
The mother had an incredible disposition and even allowed my son to be there while she gave birth, she licked his hand...and they are 1/2 her :)

These puppies have been given a fabulous platform to become a long-term member of your family.
I promise you the BYB trying to sell puppies on here, have not spent the time or effort to care for their puppies in the manner these dogs have been cared for. And sooo much has already been done for you.
Applications can be filled out at:
There is a modest adoption donation of $350:
Please those of you who want to complain about the donation, I assure you this litter has cost way beyond the amount that will be donated, vet visits, microchip, wormer, spay/neuter, general care!!!
The donation just allows the rescue to continue helping other dogs in need.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sushi's on a roll!!

Sushi just got a new home, and her very own 10 year old boy to play with..yeah Sushi!!! It was so funny, she totally picked him, went right over, first puppy, and sat between his legs looking up at him with those "puppy eyes" and ohhh does she have 'em!!! Then she continued to push the situation when they were looking at a different little one, who we will not name, cuz her day will come. She played fetch and was SOOOO brave with the talking duck. When all the other pups ran in fear she stayed an checked it out, then carried it around showing it off to all of them!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Raining cats & dogs!!!

So Kael and I are stuck inside in the worst rain storm this season....and 12 pooping puppies!! I've been allowing them to run around outside for the last week and now they're confined to a small area...they are not digging it!!

Now, it's feeding time and they aren't about to brave the waterfall that has recently emerged from my roof right over the doorway they go out...Zukko thought about it, stuck his head out and stopped...big mistake, a gallon of water splashed onto his head, he yelped and turned around smacking his little noggin on the doorway escaping to the dry indoors..poor pitiful wet baby ;P

I mean granted it's not a tsunami, poor Hawaii or a massive earthquake poor Chile (our prayers are with you) ...but it really bite's the big one!!

Good thing they're cute....they say that about babies when they're colicky and you want to gnaw your own foot off..OK so as not to offend anyone, I so don't mean that, babies are wonderful and no one is ever bothered by anything they do..yeah right!! Good thing they're cute although that does bring me to the fact that I do NOT think all babies are cute some are freaking ugly, but all puppies are cute, so what's the deal with that?

I'm hoping the rain at least slows enough to shove them outside to do their "duty" or the poor people coming to look at puppies today will get a nose full!! PEEEYEWW

They are finding all sorts of ways to occupy themselves...
Chewing up all the paper, pooing, peeing, walking in it and then walking on their siblings, biting anyone and anything even close to you, who cares if they were sleeping, making a mess in anyway they can, just to drive me nuts....oh the rain...and to think I always say "I love the rain" ugh!!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm tired is this almost over?

Roo is still involved in raising the little ones, even though she was never able to nurse again, after her 10 day hospital stay. She sits outside and watches them as they play in their enclosure and when we let them out to traipse the yard, she chases them down if they go to far away. Being that she is only a youngster herself she plays a bit rough so we never leave her alone with them, but she is also tender and loving, licking them and rolling on her back to let them climb all over her. Raising children is never easy, and often exhausting but it is always rewarding if you give it your all.

Not just mama, still "me"

One of the things I found scariest in the days leading up to and immediately after having my son, was the idea of never being "just Jennifer" again. I would from now and forever forward be "Kael's mom." For a long time I thought that meant losing myself, now I realize it just meant finding another "me" to be. I'm lucky enough that Kael and David joined me in this endeavor but it was initially my idea and my project, something I love, helping animals, now it's something they love too. I didn't lose me I just get to share me with one more person. Kanga-Roo, whom I took to calling mama soon after I met her, is now blossoming into herself again, she has been a wonderful caregiver and mommy to this brood but as they begin to strike out on their own she is becoming more and more the dog she must have been, or was meant to be all along. She is playful and sweet, protective and gentle, silly and stoic, goofy and beautiful..she is many things and I'm glad she helped me to see that I am as well!! Again, thank you Roo!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

kanga Roo is in the hospital please send kind thoughts for a kind soul

Mama resting on one of my down cushions. Teeny Tiny found her anyway. Teeny is only 2 weeks in this photo, not even 11 ounces yet!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

A puppy and her puppies.

Westside German Shepard Rescue uses them and they have definitely found a good fit. The whole staff seemed knowledgeable and compassionate, they knew all their patients' people by name and made us feel at home!

Zukko...too tired for the photo shoot

I already had my nails done, must we do this again?

Tahti means star..see the cute little "star" on the tip of her nose?

Sarah and her bunny..yep the very one that Mommy stole a few momwnts later

Katara the beautiful

four weeks old and already a photoshoot...this really is LA!!

you're no bunny till some bunny loves you...

Mommy couldn't deal with the little ones having all the fun. Sarah got the bunny for a bit hen mommy laid claim!! She knows she's been caught...

toys are fun!!!

our first gruel meal

Friday, January 15, 2010

14 poopy puppies

Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant." - Unknown
Today I was the hydrant! I awoke to the splashing of liquid on pillows, "dang" I thought, barely wedging my still tired eyes open "I forgot to close the door and it's raining inside" then I saw the little 4 inch puppy, its tail in the air its behind pointed at the pillow..pooh spraying from its orifice..."splat!" That's it, that's right, I live in southern California. It doesn't rain here; it's sunny and 75 all year. Just watch the Rose Bowl Parade, every year...Sunny and 75!!
So I'm sure it's just the one little one, maybe she ate some fuzz from a blanket or got jostled around by her pals. As I wiped her tiny bum, and let mommy sniff to make sure things were copacetic..i glanced at all the sleeping babies. Oh so worth it, anything yummier than a tiny puppy? Nope, nothing, wait, what's that yellow goo running down Sarah's face? (Sarah is the blonde puppy with a half collar and black markings on her face, yellow markings now)and what's that blob of toothpaste doing in the kennel, oh that's not toothpaste it's pooh!!! Then all at once, I'm not kidding, they began to come at me like the zombies in "Night of the Living Dead" little stumble walks, with ooze on their tiny bodies, spewing liquid and moaning...great not one 2 week old puppy with diarrhea, 14 two week old puppies with ExPLoSiVE diarrhea.
I went on line, made some calls, did what research I could and decided I needed a proffesional to lead me in the right direction, I didn't want to over react but I also know a young pup with diarrhea can quickly become dehydrated and without medical attention with in 24 to 48 hours can die.
So...after a miscommunication with the first Vet and a miserable 2 hours cleaning puppies and blankets, I called my Vet and asked if they could make and opening for Kanga Roo and her brood. Yep, done, 3:00 so after meeting a good friend at Kael's school and her graciously agreeing to watch Kael for a playdate with her son (Kael's best bud in the whole wide world...his definition) while we nursed sick puppies we were off to Media City Veterinary (Thanks guys! if you read this, for fitting us all in on such short notice and treating us all so well and K & J for making it possible)to have all 14 pups and mommy looked at...after the tough birth and labor and a barely breathing runt...I am not gonna lose these precious pups to diarrhea. David and I piled them into a plastic storage box lined with blankets and drive to our appointment. The staff greeted us with concerned looks, Thank God someone else is worried about our pups, such a relief after a stressful morning. They escorted us into Room 5 after a bout of diarrhea in the waiting room, lots of wipes and stinky puppies later, in walks Our Vet, she greeted Kanga Roo and then the puppies and her assistant came into help with the monotonous job of helping to examine each and every one of the 14 puppies and Kanga. Finally over an hour later, after logging each pups weight, temp, markings, heart rate etc (yep every single one, marked with tape and numbers to assure we got them all :)) administering dewormer as a precaution, showing us how to administer fluids subcutaneously to avoid deadly dehydration and sending in stinky pooh samples to the lab, we left media City all the worse the wear..and yet the ALL (the whole dang staff) still had smiles, still snuggled the puppies, wiped their pooh from their little tired faces, even other Vets I hadn't met before, came out to admire Kanga and her big brood. I never realized that a litter of 14 (with all surviving) is such a big deal. They also thought the 12 to 2 ratio of girls to boys was funny :)
We are home now, stinky and tired, ready for the night, as ready as we can be, and waiting for the lab results tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed and your best wishes and prayers out there for these little angels.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

UGH sometimes LA is exhausting...just BE!!

So we were taking a family stroll down to the local Centinella Feed and Pet in Burbank on Olive, (by the way they're awesome, super knowledgeable, and seem to enjoy their jobs, friendly, helpful..I recommend going there)to pick up some supplies and figured Kanga Roo would enjoy the exercise.
So anyway, UGH!! I get sooooo annoyed and yes I'm ranting but I made this freaking blog I can rant if I want to right?
So, It's either one way or the other!! never, freaking never, in the middle! It's not 55mph on the freeway in the rain, it's 25mph or 99mph, it's not average looks it's plastic or plain...I did NOT let my dog get pregnant, I am NOT a back yard breeder, I am NOT an irresponsible pet owner....I'm the foster mom!!! I'm doing the right thing!! Don't judge before you know the story. Mind your own freaking business!!
People were either really sweet and wanted to know all about Roo and her upcoming litter or VERY VERY rude!! Why is it the VERY VERY rude people's comments stick in my head.
"you really should have had her fixed, breeding is irresponsible" "there are sooo many dogs out there being put to sleep in shelters, how are you going to get rid of all those puppies?" "so what'd ya breed her with, are the puppies gonna be big, German Shepards are pretty tough...."


The way they looked at us (she and I) I felt like two painted ladies out for a stroll trying to pick up a john...and then I remembered, Life Lessons from a Dog.
Todays lesson...just BE!
Kanga was strutting, happy for the walk, happy for the attention, the smells, life,
she isn't ashamed, she isn't embarrassed she just IS!
Hold your head up, look straight ahead, smile... Just BE!! Just be nice. Just be thoughtful. Just be spontaneous. Just be helpful. Just be kind. Just be honest. Just be who you say you are! Just be you!!

Teeny Tiny is bigger than life!!!

Always check your bulk mail!

So there it was "Are you still interested? We'd love to have your help we think you'd be perfect for her."
In my JUNK MAiL BOX...duh!
Days had passed, I hadn't contacted them, thinking I'd been passed by, now I look like a flake (so L.A.) I hadn't even mentioned the idea to my boyfriend or our son, I'd been so sure I'd be turned down, and now time had to be closing in, UGH!! You know what they say about assuming..it makes an A** out of you and me!! So there it was, I'd assumed wrong and now I'd put myself and this pooch in a real pickle. David hates when I back him into a corner, I mean doesn't anyone? The woman probably thinks I'm irresponsible and unrealiable now, what to do, what to do?
So I did what any mature, upfront woman would do...
I had my son get on the computer with me and showed him pictures of the "pregnant mama dog" that "needs hep" uh huh, I did it, I used the kid...Of course he thought she was beautiful and the idea of not 1 but a whole litter of puppies, fun fun and more fun!!
Then I went armed with my son's support of the idea to my boyfriend, to ask the unthinkable...
Could I please have someone else's pregnant dog into our home, over the holidays, change our routines, inconvenience our dogs and take on this great responsibility as a FAMILY...
Ogf course I assumed he'd say NO, not just NO but hell NO, forget about it, are you nuts, what are you thinking...I could see it now...he'd look at me incredulously and refuse my request.
So I asked him and he said-
"Sure just make sure the master bedroom is clean, so she can have a safe private spot."
Did you hear what I asked?
You know what they say about assume...
So the next morning on my day to work I called the number.

But I was wrong :)

A few days passed and I'd heard nothing. Just as I expected. The ad was still posted, so the dog was still in need but we weren't it.
Then again, come to think of it, having a pregnant dog in the house, would be overwhelming financially and time consumming, and the holidays were already upon us, my son's 5th birthday was right around the corner, I still had Christmas shopping to do, house cleaning, I had to move my horse to another location, still go to work, take care of daily life...oops, oh and my boyfriend and I are starting a business, trying to open it by middle of January, all the paperwork, construction...
As I see it, those people made the right decision how inthe world could I handle a pregnant dog...

Who'd a thunk it?

So on a whim and honestly thinking they'd NEVER except me as a foster, I sent out an email, explaining my situation.
If you haven't found a foster for your mama dog yet, let me tell you a bit about myself and my family and see if we may be able to help.

"I have a 5 year old son, and 2 Akita's, my dog's are not aggressive but more than likely to avoid ANY problems my choice would be segregation if we were to foster for you. I have a home that's very easily sectioned off and would be willing to do so. My son will be home for break and then back in pre-school in January, his father is a retired New York City fireman and is home all the time, I work 2 to 4 days a week. We own our home and have a fenced in back yard.
I've had Shepards before and have also had puppies a time or two (well my dogs did :)) I grew up in the Midwest and have seen pups, kittens, pigs, cows, sheep and horses born, as a matter of fact I had a kitten born on my lap....a whole other story...
I have cared for puppies abandoned so young I had to bottle feed formula every 2 hours.
I've volunteered at shelter's and rescue's in the past and both of my current dogs are rescue dogs, the male, Kodiak, was terribly abused, broken bones, smashed jaw and crushed eye socket, I've had him since he was 9 months, he's 6 now, the girl, Kirby, was born deaf, has bad hips, blind in one eye and has almost no teeth from a lack of enamel she was surrendered to the rescue I volunteered for as a pup, so we've had her since she was 9 weeks old, she's 7 now.

Because of the dogs and my son, we are probably not your first choice, BUT we are a loving and safe family, there is always someone home and we have experience with large dogs, including litters of pups, and if it comes down to it, maybe we could help you out, at least let her feel safe and loved while she has her pups. Watching something brought into this world is amazing and I'd feel blessed to let my son experience the wonder of it.


So knowing a thing or two about rescues, I'm thinking my chances are slim to none!! I have a young child(kid's and dogs what am I thinking)
I have 2 large dogs that many consider to be a dangerous breed (one of those kind)
I've allowed mutts to be born (utoh backwoods)
Keeping the dog seperate from the others (practically prison)
So I went to bed confident that I'd done my part in offering but I'd never hear back from them again...at least not anything I wanted to hear.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

You'd be surprised what life can bring

I wanted to make this Christmas special, afraid that by next year some grinchy naysayer would burst my son's Santa bubble. I began searching the internet for puppies, who wouldn't love a puppy under the tree? A few days in, after many disappointments, BYB pretending to be adopting out little ones when really they were breeding and selling I had given up and was comfortable believing 2 Akitas and a horse were enough for any kid and that a BIG box item would have to suffice for early morning Christmas glee.The next night, simply out of habit, I searched again..."Pregnant Mama Dog needs help"...jumped from the screen. Inside was a brief description and lovely photo of Roo. A young German Shepard mix who had been abandoned pregnant and at the end of her 24 hours alloted by CA law, narrowly saved by a no kill rescue. She needed a foster home and was expecting a litter in January.